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Clear the Java Web Start (javaws) cache

  1. Open your computer's DOS prompt by selecting the Start menu followed by the Run option. Then, enter command followed by pressing the Enter key.

  2. Type javaws at the DOS prompt followed by the Enter key to see the Java Web Start command-line options.

  3. Type javaws -Xclearcache followed by the Enter key to clear Java Web Start Cache on your computer. After the cache has been cleared, the local drive prompt will appear on the DOS prompt.

This will be the command to clear cache

// Remove all non-installed applications from the cache.
javaws -clearcache 
// Remove all applications from the cache
javaws -uninstall

Alternatively, do the following:

  1. Delete the cache folder located on Windows
  2. For other Operating System versions, you might have to do the delete operation in the appropriate Sun Java folder.

Articles Web

You can do it using Java Control Panel

How do I clear the Java cache?

How can do it in command line?
