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Linux vs Windows Commands

1.dirls -lDirectory listing
2.renmvRename a file
3.copycpCopying a file
4.movemvMoving a file
5.clsclearClear Screen
6.delrmDelete file
7.fcdiffCompare contents of files
8.findgrepSearch for a string in a file
9.command /?man commandDisplay the manual/help details of the command
10.chdirpwdReturns your current directory location
11.timedateDisplays the time
12.cdcdChange the current directory
13.mdmkdirTo create a new directory/folder
14.echoechoTo print something on the screen
15.editvim(depends on editor)To write in to files.
16.exitexitTo leave the terminal/command window.
17.formatmke2fs or mformatTo format a drive/partition.
18.freememTo display free space.
19.rmdirrm -rf/rmdirTo delete a directory.
20.taskkillkillTo kill a task.
21.tasklistps xTo list running tasks.
22.set var=valueexport var=valueTo set environment variables.
23.attribchown/chmodTo change file permissions.
24.tracerttracerouteTo print the route packets trace to network host.
25.atcrondaemon to execute scheduled commands.
26.typecatTo print contents of a file.
27.pingpingTo send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.
28.nslookupnslookupTo query Internet name servers interactively.
29.chdiskdu -sFor disk usage.
30.treels -RTo list directory recursively.
